Our Programs
Community Based Education
WADAN is currently implementing community-based education programs in four provinces of Afghanistan: Nangarhar, Jowzjan, Logar, and Farah. We work on the ground in even the most remote areas to deliver primary school education to children, employment to teachers, and a safe space for the community to bolster learning.
18,766 students have been enrolled in the Education Cannot Wait program in alliance with UNICEF. The Global Partnership of Education program in alliance with UNICEF will also enroll 30,000 more students and create 800 CBE learning spaces and 200 Accelerated Learning Centers. Lastly, the Education in Emergency program in alliance with the Swedish International Development Agency has enrolled 2,285 students.

Drug Demand Reduction
WADAN has decades of experience with drug rehabilitation and drug demand reduction programs. Currently, we are operating various drug treatment centers across four provinces: Kabul, Nangarhar, Farah, and Badakhshan. The purpose of these centers is to offer a safe space of healing from the physical, mental, and emotional effects of drug use with a focus on rehabilitating from drug dependency. 1,310 patients were treated on-site at our centers by the end of last year. Our outreach team also conducts thousands of follow up visits a year with recovering patients and organizes support group meetings and awareness campaigns in communities.

Direct Aid
We are constantly involved in programs aimed at improving livelihood. Notably, we worked on the Treating Ultra-Poor project which saw us providing micro-enterprise supplies to families below the poverty line so that they could generate a sustainable income. Thousands of families received animals and veterinary care- in an effort to generate agricultural microenterprises- and assistance packages that contained necessary household supplies. Recently, we also organized and distributed Covid-19 relief packages to households hit devastatingly by the pandemic.

Made in Afghanistan
In the same vein as working on livelihood projects, we also thought it pertinent to bolster local work and find avenues for enterprise building. In alliance with UNHCR, WADAN coordinates the Made in Afghanistan project in Herat province. It was designed to provide artisans- many of them refugee returnees, internally displaced people, and vulnerable sections of the host community- with supplies and an opportunity to practice their crafts. The project aims at socioeconomic empowerment for these groups by giving space and support for them to increase their skills and capacities to design and create high-quality products, improve their marketing skills, and establish domestic and international market linkages. You can shop some of the work at the page linked below.